I haven't been daydreaming as much about my usual world lately.
My usual dreams about this guy I like in real life but I'm too shy to say anything to him. :/ I daydream we're at the park, pool or somewhere and it's perfect. I don't know if this could make it easier to talk to him if I daydream I'm talking to him.. I usually try not to daydream about real people 'cuz I think it leads to a distorted view of reality.
I've never realized how much daydreaming has made real life so absent in color. It's like I lay down and daydream for a couple hours and come back to my real life then look around the room at the pale wallpaper and bare floor.. it's like what the hell is this? I should be ashamed of myself running from the real world which people call "beautiful" I don't see how beautiful it is right now, but I used to.
I had a dream the other night I was carrying 3 shoes. According to dream dictionary, dreammoods.com,
In general, shoes represent your approach to life. Wearing shoes in your dream, suggests that you are well-grounded or down to earth. If you are changing your shoes, then it refers to your changing roles. You are taking a new approach to life.
Three signifies life, vitality, inner strength, completion, imagination, creativity, energy, self-exploration and experience.
Maybe this dream means I'm supposed to use creativity & imagination to walk through life.. I don't know what this means.
I want to go on a daydream binge today but I have things to do.. If I supress the daydreaming, it only makes it harder to cope with real life.
I've started listening to different music and I really like this one song:
Within Temptation - Our solemn hour