Flawed Reality

Posted by TwistedFantasies | Posted in | Posted on 4:41 PM

I'm feeling sad and lonely without daydreaming right now. I've been trying to come down from my daydreaming high for some time to get something productive done. I can't focus enough to study for finals which are tomorrow. I feel sad that I can't hold myself down in reality long enough to get anything accomplished. It's so frustrating.
I've been on a 2 day daydreaming binge since Friday night and I feel sick now. I'm hurting myself with each day that goes by with this haphazard addiction. I've got a lot accomplished fictional-wise. 
My fictional  character's name is Melanie. All day, everyday, I'm playing melanie melanie melanie. It's all just a big play and I never miss my lines. I can't wait until I see the day where I come out of my costume.
I ask myself what happened to my life. What happened to me? Where's Anne?

I've been looking at pictures on the internet of a celebrity which is supposed to be Mel's boyfriend. I can't stand to look at this guy's face.. I don't want to see anything about him. When I do, a rush of excitement compels me to look at more then it fades into nothing more than what/who this person is supposed to be in my own world or mind.. then I remember they aren't real. 

It really doesn't help that I put new music on my ipod that I enjoy. When I listen to music, I like to make up my own custom music video in my head to go along with it.

Skillet - Hero
All Around Me - Flyleaf
Yellow - Coldplay

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